Friday, March 8, 2013

Depression is a disease.

That's what it is. It isn't a phase of life, or an attitude. It is a sickness as real as cancer. I wish more people understood that. There was another suicide in my area last night. A boy in ninth grade this time. I just can't fathom what his family and friends are going through. Going through that myself when I was younger makes my heart break for all of those kids. It's just so sad to think that someone hurt them in such a way that they didn't want to be here anymore. Or maybe someone didn't hurt them, but they felt so alone. Or uncared for. There are so many things that you feel when you're depressed. It just kills me to know that lately it seems like depression is winning over more and more people. Swallowing them up. Keeping them so far down they don't see a way out. All I can say is love more, and hate less. Hug more, care more. Be a friend to a complete stranger. Go out of your way to be kind. You have no clue the battles kids are facing in their minds each day. All I ask is for you to not add more problems. I wish I could just give the world a big hug right now.

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