Monday, August 19, 2013

Just a little somethin' I've been thinking about.

So, lately I have been hearing more and more from my missionary friends. And I simply love it! It really is the best to have friends all over the place right now! I love the work they're doing, and I love them! It's so fun to see over emails and through the months how they change and grow. It really is an amazing thing.

But that's all the church type stuff I want to talk about, for this post. I think.. Anyway. I've been thinking lately and there is this quote that has been popping into my head many times through out the day. The quote is:

"If you judge someone, you have no time to love them."

I seriously love it more and more every day, because it is so true! It's really starting to make me change my whole way of thinking. Usually upon meeting someone new, my eyes go right away, judging them. I am not proud to admit it, but it's true. I like to say I'm not a very judgmental person, but boy oh boy, in my head I really am! And I hadn't noticed it till that quote started popping into my head. I've known of the quote for some time now, and had never thought of it so much. But with meeting so many new people and literally living in one of the weirdest cities in the US (our motto here is Keep Austin Weird!) I automatically want to start judging all these new people, from what they're wearing to how they talk. They way they eat, move, etc. So the other day (when I realized I kept thinking back to said quote) I had just met this boy, named Zac. My first instinct was to point out to myself (obviously not out loud) the acne marks on his cheek. But, I stopped myself (mostly) and reminded myself that I'd have no time to learn to love Zac if all I looked at was his imperfections. And that got me to thinking, how many times do you judge someone so much that you don't want to befriend them. You look at them and say thing like: oh they're weird, or no they're too quiet, oh her hair is so short gross, or that shirt is so ugly. Things like that. I can honestly say that is one of the first things I say to myself when I meet someone new. And I'm really just rambling now but my challenge to you is to just think things through before thinking things to yourself.. if that makes sense... I just think to myself about how many relationships I lost out on with great people because I was so busy judging them and not taking some time to love them. 
Other than that little epiphany life is good for me! I'm going to start a crazy schedule with work pretty soon and I"m way excited for that. I'm making plans to go to school next semester. And I seem to meet new friends every where I go. And I love that. Have a good week! Xoxoxo!

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