Girls are such a... unique creature. They all want other girls to be there for them through thick and thin, but then when those certain girls need them, they are no where to be found... I find that so interesting. I also find that I am usually the one getting walked on, at least from where I am. I always get so frustrated when things like that happen to me. When I need my "best friend" and she is no where to be found. But then I always think, "What if I'm the reason she's acting like this? What if I'm the reason she isn't here for me? Did I miss something big?" And then I'll usually make a list in my head of every recent event, good and bad, and remember a detail or something she told me so that I know I was at least there.
I guess it all comes down to being the friend you want to have. I know we all think we are perfect, and never wrong. Who doesn't want to think that about themselves? But sometimes, we each need to take a step back and realize, maybe it's us. Not them.
On a lighter note, enjoy this adorable cat and raccoon :)
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